Wedding Tips
Tips for your big day
You can never start planning too early for your big day!
Constantly remind yourselves why you are getting married…it’ll help you keep things in perspective as you are bombarded with all the options and choices.
Your first consideration is to select a Celebrant! You need to be very comfortable with the person you have engaged for your Big Day.
You’ve probably heard that every time the word wedding is spoken, the price of something goes up. Well, that’s true, so you need to be very clear about the following
- Know your budget
- Can you afford to go over budget like they do almost every time on Grand Designs(!) If so, by how much?
- Create a spreadsheet of planned and actual spending in listed categories.
- Keep all receipts and update your spreadsheet at least weekly.
- Keep a timetable visible to both of you and make sure it is realistic. Don’t try and choose a dress on the same day as you are tasting wedding cake options. By rushing from one thing to the next you won’t have time to mull over things and feel what works well for both of you.
- Book essential services such as hairdresser, make-up artist, photographer well in advance – 3-6 months at a minimum.
- Ensure you have a Plan B for your location or venue, in case of bad weather.
- When booking your rehearsal (ideally 1-2 weeks prior to the big day!), ensure it’s as close as possible to the ceremony time. This way you’ll have a good picture of such important issues as the position of the sun and direction of the wind and less unwanted surprises for your ceremony!
Ceremony Ideas
- There are countless rituals you can have during your ceremony, such as:
- Hand Fasting
- Sand Ceremony
- Lantern Lighting
- Memory Box
- Cultural traditions
- If you’re having trouble deciding on your bridal party because you have so many friends, remove the stress by giving them other important roles in the ceremony such as reading, ringbearer or usher.
- Reveal your romantic creativity and write a love letter to your beloved to be exchanged on your wedding day!
- For your ceremony, choose readings which are meaningful to you and a true reflection of who you are as a couple.
The Big Day
- Remember the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. I had a couple who used the tulle from the veil of the bride’s mother to decorate the wedding car. As the bride wasn’t planning on wearing a veil, it was a lovely touch and kept the mother of the bride happy!
- Consider putting together cheese wheels and having a “cheese cake” instead of a traditional wedding cake. Your guests will love you for it and it’ll be kinder on your budget.
Dresses and Outfits
- Think outside the square. Consider a “demo model” dress.
- What colour are your wedding shoes? Something other than white will stay fresh and you can wear them with many outfits after the wedding.
Groom Tips
- Try to arrive at the wedding venue at least an hour before the ceremony. Then you can go through the run sheet one last time, check on your support team (groomsmen) and be calmed and reassured by your celebrant (of course!).
- Your bride will be so touched when you surprise her with a beautiful white handkerchief (from your pocket) during the ceremony. It’ll save her makeup and your tender thoughtfulness will really impress your guests.
Wedding FAQs
How long before the wedding date do we need to register with our celebrant?
You are required to complete and lodge with me the Notice of Intention to Marry Form at least one month and no longer than 18 months prior to the wedding.
What identification is required?
I am required to sight either your Birth Certificates or Passports.
What if I am divorced?
If you are divorced I must sight the Divorce Order in English.
What if I am widowed?
If you are widowed I must sight the Death Certificate of your previous spouse.
What legal documents do I need to sign before the wedding?
You are required to sign a Statutory Declaration before me stating that you know of no legal impediment to your marriage.
What do I need to know about witnesses?
On the day of your marriage, you will sign the Marriage Certificates in the presence of two witnesses who will also sign. These witnesses must be over 18 years of age and understand English.
How do I obtain the Official Registered Certificate of Marriage?
Once I have married you, I will lodge all the legal documents with the Registry who will then issue you with your Official Registered Marriage Certificate upon your request and payment of a small fee.
What if I or my partner don’t speak English?
Should you require the services of an interpreter or translator, I can advise you in this regard.
What documentation do I need from you to assist with a Spousal Visa Application?
I will provide you with a letter for Immigration and Border Protection which states that you have lodged with me your intention to marry and booked this.
How long before I receive my Official Registered Certificate of Marriage?
Standard delivery will be within 5-7 working days and priority will be within 2-4 working days approximately.
How do I change my name after I am married?
Your official certificate is adequate proof of your name change on all identification documents (except of course your birth certificate). You can go ahead and use your married name immediately and present you marriage certificate to banks, employers etc as legal proof. No other documentation is required.
Vow Renewal FAQs
What legal documents do we need to complete?
There are no legal documents required for a vow renewal ceremony.
Will we receive a certificate?
Yes, I have a range of beautiful certificates from which you can select one that suits you and your spouse.
Can we use our original vows from our wedding?
Yes, if you still have them! Otherwise I have a large selection or can help you write your own.
Can some of my bridesmaids or groomsmen join in the ceremony?
Can we have music?
You most certainly can have whatever music is special to you and your spouse. This can be played through my PA or your home system if the ceremony is at your house.
Namegiving FAQs
How old should my child be for a Namegiving Ceremony?
There are no rules about age. Most parents have their child officially named as a baby or a toddler, while some wait until their child is a little older and can actively participate.
We don’t want a church ceremony, but my parents would like a prayer said. Is this ok?
Absolutely! The readings and style of the ceremony are whatever you and your family decide is for best for your child.
Can our older children join in?
Yes! I definitely encourage this as it brings the family even closer together.
Will there be a certificate for our child?
I provide certificates for your child, the godparents, the grandparents, the siblings and mentors. I have a beautiful selection from which to choose.
What special rituals can we have?
Anything that will be meaningful for you and your child and family. Candle lightings, rosewater ceremonies and tree plantings are just a few.
Funerals and Memorials FAQs
Where do we meet with you?
I usually meet with families at their homes, however as this doesn’t always suit everyone we can easily arrange to meet at the office of the funeral director.
How many readings should we have?
This is entirely up to what suits you and your family. I encourage people to use verse which may have special meaning for them in relation to their loved one. This can be your own choices or picked from my large selection.
Will we have a copy of the ceremony to keep?
Most definitely and this is quite different to the Order of Ceremony Booklet that the funeral director will help organise for you. I provide a beautiful presentation copy of the ceremony.
How is your fee paid?
Generally, my fee is included in the invoice from the funeral director as this creates less stress by not adding another job to your list at a difficult time. If however you prefer to pay me directly, that is quite acceptable.
What if my loved one passed away overseas and was buried there? Can we still have a ceremony?
Yes. You have probably more choices as you can have the ceremony at home, at a venue or almost anywhere that you wish to gather with family and friends. You can take as much time as you like to remember and honour your loved one.